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Dixons Manningham Primary

Our academy is now closed for the Christmas break. We look forward to welcoming students back on Monday 6 January

Events this half term

Key Points this half term:

Mondays: Women's Wellbeing Walk and Talk @ 9-10am
Tuesdays: Parent IT classes @ 9-11am
Wednesdays: ESOL classes @ 9-11am
Wednesdays: Open Library @ 3.30-4pm (bring your child to the library to choose books to read at home)
Fridays: Ladies Exercise & Wellbeing @ 9-11am

Special Events
Thursday 31 August - school re-opens for students
Friday 9th September - Meet the teachers, all parents are encouraged to come and meet the teachers and take part in our Jump Fun Day

Please help us keep you up to date by downloading My Child At School (MCAS) to your phone or computer; this will help you to keep up to date with everything about the school.